A forlorn psychoanalyst; a cultural historian exploring the possibility of life after death; a middle-aged couple that schedules a rendezvous with a younger version of itself; a man who compensates for his phobia of death and dying with intense sadomasochistic practices; a writer who futilely explores the sexual habits and customs of Mexico City: These five short stories comprise the body of Heaven is Hard to Swallow (Paraísos duros de roer), the latest masterpiece of the phenomenal Mexican publisher, journalist and fiction writer, Rafael Pérez Gay.
Obra original
Título: Paraísos duros de roer Autor/a: Rafael Pérez Gay Editorial: Nexos : Sociedad, Ciencia y Literatura Ciudad: Ciudad de México Año de publicación: 2006 Edición: 1ª Nº de páginas: 150 págs Género literario: Short stories, Nouvelles Traducido en los años: 2010