Works and Translations by Genre

Work: Así empieza lo malo
Author: Javier Marías
Translations of this Work:
Work: Boquitas pintadas
Author: Manuel Puig
Translations of this Work:
Work: Casi nunca
Author: Daniel Sada
Translations of this Work:
Work: De amor y de sombra
Author: Isabel Allende
Translations of this Work:
Work: Divorcio en el aire
Author: Gonzalo Torné
Translations of this Work:
Work: El amante japonés
Author: Isabel Allende
Translations of this Work:
Work: El niño pez
Author: Lucía Puenzo
Translations of this Work:
Work: En ausencia de Blanca
Author: Antonio Muñoz Molina
Translations of this Work:
Work: Instinto de Inez
Author: Carlos Fuentes
Translations of this Work:
Inez 2002
Inez 2003
Work: La escala de los mapas
Author: Belén Gopegui
Translations of this Work:
Work: La Madre Naturaleza
Author: Emilia Pardo Bazán
Translations of this Work:
Work: La novia oscura
Author: Laura Restrepo
Translations of this Work:
Work: La reina descalza
Author: Ildefonso Falcones de Sierra
Translations of this Work:
Work: La templanza
Author: María Dueñas
Translations of this Work:
Work: Malinche
Author: Laura Esquivel
Translations of this Work:
Work: Martín Rivas
Author: Alberto Blest Gana
Translations of this Work: