In the midst of war, the protagonists of A Tale of the Dispossessed are continuously searching: for a promised land, a destiny, the face of a woman who has disappeared - searching for an impossible love and, conversely, for a love that is possible. A way station for refugees from violence is the setting for an intense love triangle in which an uprooted and wandering people lead the reader to experience the collective drama of forced relocation. A Tale of the Dispossessed speaks to us about the inexorable law that has led man, expelled from paradise since the days of Adam through to modern times, in his search for a way back home.
Obra original
Título: Multitud errante Autor/a: Laura Restrepo Editorial: Editorial Planeta Colombiana S.A. Ciudad: Buenos Aires Año de publicación: 2001 Edición: 1ª Género literario: Fictional work, Fiction, Romans Traducido en los años: 2003