Grove Press
New York, NY
185 págs.
Serie universitaria

Seven Against Georgia is a group of "testimonials" in which seven flamboyant Spanish gay men, adopting such over-the-top noms de guerre as Herr Betty Honey and Pamela Poodle, respond to sodomy laws by sending their stories of sex and desire directly to the head of the state of Georgia's police force. Whether it's Miss Balcony's very special relationship with the man who delivers her morning baguette (and who boasts a similar-sized baton himself), or Colette Miss Coco's comparative study of the sex she's known in her round-the-world business travels, Herr Betty Honey's passion for a man with a great love of first-communion dresses, or Miss Madelon's ode to a man (or, better, several men) in uniform, the testimonials in Seven Against Georgia provide sparkling entertainment and a delightful and erotic statement on the individual right to pleasure in all its forms.
