Resumen/Reseñas: (WorldCat) During World War II, General Thadeus Dreyer is put in charge of the Amphitryon Project, training doubles to stand in for leading Nazis at dangerous public events. What bearing does this have on the arrest of Adolf Eichmann in... mostrar más
Resumen/Reseñas: (BOOK JACKET) In this bildungsroman, Donato Ndongo masterfully exposes the cultural fissures of his native land. "Spanish Guinea" is a heated, sensual landscape with exotic animals and trees, ancient rituals, ghosts, saints, and sinners. We... mostrar más
Resumen/Reseñas: (WorldCat) A middle-class, directionless ox of a young man who helps the trash pickers of Buenos Aires's shantytown attracts the attention of a corrupt policeman who would use anyone including innocent kids to break a drug ring he believes... mostrar más
Más información: Responsibility: César Aira ; translated by Chris Andrews.
Resumen/Reseñas: ( She decided to be a hippy at 50 ISC Novel Award 1999 When you feel the world is tight, erases yours dreams, attempts to tie your emotions or silences your voice as you differ, wear your colored beads, your bellbottoms, a ribbon... mostrar más
Resumen/Reseñas: ( The generation of Spanish artists known as the 98ers, who renounced politics and sought their country's true spirit within its landscape, culture, and character, are well represented here by thirteen stories by five outstanding... mostrar más
Resumen/Reseñas: (WorldCat) Brilliantly chronicles the occasionally bizarre, unceasingly turbulent existence of the geographically and emotionally displaced.
Resumen/Reseñas: (WorldCat) A disillusioned writer in San Juan finds himself stalked by a Chinese immigrant student, and as the two realize that they share a similar plight, they move towards bitter-sweet collaborations in passion, grief, literature, and... mostrar más
Resumen/Reseñas: ( His mother talks piously of the heaven that awaits the good, and disciplines him with an ox prod. His grandmother burns his precious crosses for kindling. His cousins meet to plot their grandfather's death. Yet in the hills... mostrar más
Resumen/Reseñas: ( Discovered by Martha Divine in the backstreets of San Juan, picking over garbage, drugged out of his mind and singing boleros that transfix the listener, a fifteen year old hustler is transformed into Sirena Selena, a diva... mostrar más
Resumen/Reseñas: (WorldCat) Discovered By Martha Divine In The Backstreets of San Juan, picking over garbage, drugged out of his mind and singing boleros that transfix the listener, a fifteen year old hustler is transformed into Sirena Selena, a diva whose... mostrar más
Más información: Responsibility: Mayra Santos-Febres ; translated by Stephen Lytle.
Resumen/Reseñas: ( This story of love and revolution takes place during the Argentine struggle for independence (1810-1820) and focuses on the character of the national hero, Manuel Belgrano. Belgrano's story is told through the voices of... mostrar más
Más información: Responsibility: Ana Gloria Moya ; translated by W. Nick Hill.
Resumen/Reseñas: (WorldCat) Nicolás asks his very sleepy father to tell story after story and hears of a man who sleeps in his umbrella, another in the sea, and a third in a monkey's cage.Illustrations by Diego Bianki.
Resumen/Reseñas: ( Three generations, a surprise confession and many secrets. Several Asturian women tell their histories in eighteen gripping stories, retold by Paquita Suarez Coalla. The ferocious Franco dictatorship, the Spanish Civil War,... mostrar más
Resumen/Reseñas: ( In the final moments of the Spanish Civil War, fifty prominent Nationalist prisoners face a firing squad. Among them is Rafael Sánchez Mazas-writer, fascist, and founder of the Spanish Falange. As the machine guns begin to fire... mostrar más
Resumen/Reseñas: (BOOK JACKET) Solitaire of Love explores the sense of emotional exile that sexual passion can evoke. Tracing the course of a relationship as it evolves into uncompromising self-destruction, the narrator of Solitaire of Love becomes addicted... mostrar más
Más información: Responsibility: Cristina Peri Rossi ; translated from the Spanish by Robert S. Rudder and Gloria Arjona.
Resumen/Reseñas: (WorldCat) Detective Héctor Belascoarán Shayne is summoned back home from vacation by his sister, whose childhood friend Anita has been raped and nearly killed by unknown assailants. Anita stands in line to receive a legacy of some 200... mostrar más